Cookies, and our Privacy Policy


This site uses only one Session Cookie to manage your logged on status.
If you disable cookies you will not be able to do much on the site other than download regs and see event details.
A Session Cookie expires as soon as you leave the site and close your browser.
Because of some stunningly inept lawmaking by the European Parliament, we are obliged to display a warning about this..
In order to suppress the annoying message, we have to create a persistat cookie, simply to suppress a repeat appearance of the message. How stupid is that?
What the Eurpopean Parliament should have scoped the law to control is the use of THIRD PARTY Cookies, those are 'permanent' Cookies, typically placed by advertisers i.e. Banner Adverts etc, as frequently seen on your ISP's suggested home page (MSN/ Sky/TalkTalk/ Virgin Media/ etc) that cookies are used for gathering information, by means of the advertiser being attached to numerous websites where the third party adverts (often an via an agency rather than an end seller), appear and thus keeps track of your suite visits.

Third parties can harvest and then sell on this information which they have gained by stealth.

Privacy Policy

We do take your privacy seriously and will NEVER disckose your information to any third party unless compelled to do so by law.
Any details you give will only be used to complete event application forms and to assist you in making payments for those events.
If you select 'Remind me next year' we may send you an email adbising whem the corrsponding or similar events are available on the site.
NOTE PayPal may drop a cookie on you whem we pass you to their sitte, but at that stage you are not attached to our site, just PayPal's.
The fact that PayPal apparently 'remembers' the lasst email address you used to login to PayPal with is evidence of the presense their persistant cookie on your machine...


Once logged on you have full edit / delete rights over your own data, so you ca always see what information we hold about you - Only data supplied by you is storesd *See below...

Entries edited by the Organiser(s)

The caveats to the paragraph above, are :


1 where an entrant requests an organiser to enter his or her details by proxy, in which case it is up to the organiser to ensure that details are correctt and match the details supplied to them by the entrant. It is then the Entrant's responsibilith to verify that trhe entry is correct.


2. Where an entran's entry class, vehicle or other such detail are revised by the event organiser in the normal course of creating an entry list for an event.